If you have not yet registered on the portal, you will need to complete registration.
To do this, please use the "Register" button in the top-right.
If you are unable to register or log in, please contact: ELFS via askapregistrations@elht.nhs.uk

Welcome to the ELFS supplier portal

Secondary idea

Supplier Portal FAQs


Q: When will I receive payment for my outstanding invoice?
A: Please click here for a summary of payment dates for ELFS’ clients. For further information on the status of any outstanding invoice, please register for our Supplier Portal

Q: Where do I send my invoice to?
A: Click here for a list of all invoice addresses.

Q: Have you received my invoice?
A: To view information on all invoices for any of ELFS’ clients, please register for our supplier portal.

Q: I have received a payment – which invoices does this relate to?
A: If you haven’t received a remittance advice for the payment, please visit our supplier portal where you will be able to view and download this information.

Q: How do I contact the ELFS helpdesk to resolve my query?
A: Please register for our supplier portal to assist you to self-serve many of your queries. If you have a more complex query which you are unable to resolve, please raise a query via the portal. ​

Q: My invoice is overdue and has not yet been paid – what action can I take?
A: Overdue invoices can be instantly chased directly with the person responsible for approval via the supplier portal, alternatively a query can be raised via our portal where we will then chase the approver on your behalf.

Q: I have been paid an incorrect amount – how do I have this rectified?
A: Please raise a query via ELFs supplier portal for this to be investigated and resolved.

Q: What does the supplier portal allow me to do?
A: Using our supplier portal, you can view the status of your invoice with any of ELFS’ clients, download a copy remittance advice, chase an overdue invoice directly with the approver and raise more complex queries.

ELFs Business Services plans to deliver high quality, sustainable performance that enables our clients to save money, improve services and focus their support on frontline care to patients